Twilight – Breaking Dawn Part 2

The last and final chapter in the Twilight film saga ends with Breaking Dawn part 2. I’ve never read any of the books and I only watched the movies to see what all the buzz was about. The first two movies were interesting and actually had a good plot, but the movies following it seems to have ditched a solid story line and actual acting.

Break Dawn part 2 unites many of the vampire friends and werewolves of the Cullen family to protect Bella and her new child from the Volturi (a powerful coven of vampires that enforces the laws in the vampire world), And in this vampire world having an immortal child is in violation of their laws. I think it’s ironic how the character played by Dakota Fanning looks barely older than Bella’s daughter.

Anyhow, like the previous movies Breaking Dawn part 2 is just as corny and filled with bad acting. Unless you’ve seen the previous 4 movies there shouldn’t be any reason to go out to catch this movie.

Rating: ★★★★★☆☆☆☆☆