American River Rafting

What a great Saturday. I went rafting with friends on the American River. We were seperated into three groups with three rafts carrying food, drinks, water guns, and a 160 lbs keg of Samuel Adams. There were countless water gun battles as we floated down the river, and we met tons of people floating by in tubes, canoes, and other rafts.

There were a few injuries from people falling off rafts hitting some rocks on the river bottom, but nothing serious, in fact, it makes a great story to tell. There was also the few who attempted and successfully did keg-stands floating down river in the raft. What a bunch of alcoholics. When one person fell off the boat and need help it wasn’t much of a concern, but when the keg was in jeopordy it became so crucial that we would of sacraficed a member just to save the keg. What do you expect, it was Samuel Adams.

There were plenty of girls on the raft as well. They were the ones putting in all the effort into paddling the boats because the guys were too inuberated with alcohol. You’d expect the girls to be more civilized than the guys and we had to the dock the boat everytime, so the guys could pee behind the bushes and shrubs. Whereas the girls, they’d cling off the side of the raft to relieve themselves. What a bunch of savages.

Five hours of drinking, playing, peeing, and floating equates to nothing more than fun for everyone. I’d definately do it again. But this time I won’t fall off the raft as often.

The Rubik’s Mystery

I’ve had a Rubik’s cube for a couple of years now and I’ve never been able to solve it. I’ve come really close several times but was unable to complete it. This will be one of my goals for the summer; to finally solve the Rubik’s cube. It’s tough and I’ve read manuals and looked at website examples, but it’s still difficult. I’ve been at it for a couple of days now…it’s only a matter of time.

Happy 4th of July

It’s Independence Day and its time for BBQs and fireworks. Too bad I’m stuck at work. It’s alright, I had a great 3-day weekend full of partying and hanging out with friends so, this will be my recovery period. For me 4th of July means the half way point of the year. Up next is Thanksgiving and the winter Holidays. That’s a long way to go for another Holiday.

I haven’t been adding pictures to the gallery. Too lazy to carry my camera along. I got a rafting trip next weekend and hopefully I’ll be adding some pictures of that.

War of the Worlds


This is the movie I’ve been waiting to see for 2005. This is a remake of the original of the 1953 movie of the same name. Not only is this a remake of a classic movie but an adaptation of H.G. Wells novel. Spielberg who directed this remake tries to keep as much if the original feel of the classic movie as well as giving it a fresh modern look.

As with the trailers and the original movie, aliens begin to attack and take over Earth. Tom Cruise who plays a divorced father who tries to protect his two kids. They run from town to town escaping the wrath of the invaders. The aliens are menacing and indestructible. Those who are interested in sci fi films will be easily be immersed into the story and will feel the tension. And others will enjoy the special effects and destruction brought on by the aliens. The only gripe I had with the movie is the two children of Tom Cruise. It seems like they take turn being annoying and being in the way. At one point I hoped the aliens kill them.

Overall, this is a great movie and should be this summer’s blockbuster.

Rating: ★★★★★★★★★☆

Land of the Dead


Got to see Land of the Dead, and I must say I expected it to be better. This is Romero’s fourth installment of his zombie movies. It falls in line with his last three, but not as good. Land of the Dead steers away from the classic zombie movies where the zombies are mindless walking corpes feeding on the flesh of the living. In this movie the zombies are starting to think, and they begin to plan their attack against the humans. At this point, the terror of zombies is lost since they become so predictable. As a zombie-flick fan, I was disappointed, but there’s enough action in the movie to keep a non-fan interested. Still, George Romero could have written a better storyline.

Rating: ★★★★★★★½☆☆

Mr. and Mrs Smith


Two of the hottest looking stars acting together in the same movie is bound to be interesting. This movie got mixed reviews from critics, so I put it off watching it right away. Pitt and Jolie play secret assasins who happen to marry each other and neither is aware of the other’s double life. They soon find out, and they go out to kill each other. This is a decent chick flick movie with with a spy/assassin story behind it. I would have to say Angelina Jolie is gorgeous in the movie and Brad Pitt plays his usual self. If you’re not into the action type movie you can at least watch it for the eye-candy.

Rating: ★★★★★★★½☆☆