All work and no play

I’ve been very busy taking care of Rosco and working and all. I haven’t had time to go running at all last week. Well, its another weekend for MMA as one of the most anticipated show ever is on tomorrow. Looks like this will be another weekend where I’ll be staying home again, but this time I got Rosco to hang out with.

Another picture of Rosco

People have been asking me what kind of pup is Rosco. Well, he’s mixed; Brussel Griffon and Shitzu. It’s an uncommon mix which makes him even more unique. He’ growing pretty quick and he’s only about five weeks old.


Mixed Martial Arts

Known as MMA in the community. MMA is one of the fast growing sport in the world. Many people know it mainly through the Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC) or Pride Fighting Championship events. These are the two largest MMA organizations. UFC is an American organization whereas Pride is mainly in Japan but is considered to be more of an international organization since it represents a large demographic of fighters from around the world. My first time seeing an MMA event was back in the early 90’s when I saw the first UFC event on VHS, now I’ve been actively interested in MMA since 1999.

These MMA events have fighters who are well-versed in many aspects of fighting disciplines ranging from judo, wrestling, boxing, muay thai, jiu-jitsu, and to other combat styles to compete against each other. Many people see MMA as a barbaric spectacle sport. Actually, its is a very organized and controlled sport much like any popular sport organization that exists.

Think of MMA as a physical chess game where fighters use their strategy and skills to overtake their opponent. There are many ways to win in a fight. There are submissions, knockouts, doctor stoppages, ref stoppages, corner stoppages, or through a judges decisions. Some fights have been won without a punch being thrown. These fighters don’t fight out of anger or evilness. They fight to prove that they have better skills, that they are better trained, and is the better athlete. Competitive fighting is one of the oldest sport in the world and many people are just starting realize how amazing it is.

The reason this is in my blog today is because there is a UFC event tonight which has a couple of my favorite fighters fighting tonight. And the following week Pride is also having an event pitting two of my favorite fighters fighting for the world heavy weight championship as well as it will be the finals for the middle weight grand prix tournament.

San Jose’s Annual Jazz Fesitval

On Saturday I attended the festival. Just like any other festival it had live music, dancing, and tons of food and drinks. It was located in the middle of Downtown San Jose. There were thousands of people enjoying all it had to offer. It was my first time to this festival, and I had fun even though I don’t listen to Jazz, Blues, or Salsa music much. The festival lasted throughout the weekend. I took pictures and should be posting them shortly. If not today then definately tomorrow.

Charlie and the Chocolate Factory


Despite remembering anything from the original movie or the book I wanted to see this remake. Again, Johnny Depp plays his usual obscure characters in his movies. He continues to pull it off quite well. The movie is very interesting and is fairly funny due from mostly Depp’s character as Willy Wonka. The factory and all its gadgets, gizmos, and candy was anything but amazing. In fact, the Oompa Loompas were quite annoying, you’ll have to watch and see what I mean. The premise of the movie is that Willy Wonka, who is a recluse that lives in his mysterious and somewhat magical chocolate facotry, has hidden five golden ticket in his famous chocolate candy bars and those who finds it are invited to his candy factory. Tim Burton does a great job in telling the story. The kids in the theater seems to enjoy it quite a bit and overall it’s an entertaining movie.

Rating: ★★★★★★★★☆☆

What happen to the movie reviews?

There has been a serious lack of movie reviews. I’ve been quite busy and the last movie I’ve seen was War of the Worlds. I should get in the mix within a week or two. I’ve been watching a few on Netflix DVDs that I’ve gotten so expect to see some reviews from older movies as well as new ones. That’s if I have the time to head to the theaters.

Parking Ticket

I got a parking ticket at work today. This totally sucks. I have parking permit through my work, but there’s never available parking for the permit area. That the one of the bad reasons for working this particular shift. I’ve gotten parking tickets before and this is by far the most expensive; $50! I’ve been getting away with by parking in the 2 hour zones for the past 3 months and this is the first ticket, so I guess it evens out.

Wait a minute… I take that back. The most expensive parking ticket I’ve gotten cost me $300. I parked my motorcycle in an area that was designated for handicap use. It was such a bullshit ticket because it wasn’t blocking any sort of access area. It was just near it. Anyway, I don’t really care much about it. As long as you learn your lesson. In my case, I got a second lesson, and it cost me $50.

My Diploma

It finally arrived in the mail this morning. Four and a half years of college life and all you get is a peice of paper with you name on it. LOL. It’s all worth it. I’m pretty excited because if I didn’t get it in the mail by the end of summer I was afraid I had missed or failed a class somewhere. I’m officailly a college graduate, with the papers to prove it too.

I haven’t had a graduation party. Maybe I’ll try to throw something in a few weeks to celebrate.
